Order Photo Prints


Photo Print Shop

The smaller sized posters 720 SEK and the larger posters are 1080 SEK.

Expect up to a week to 7 days to hear from us after placing your order.

There are four images to choose from:

Image 1: Jonathan In Crow
Here shown in 30*30, White frame black lining

Here shown in 30*42, Black frame white lining, Black and white

Image 2: Mithila  handstand 
Here shown in Colour, No border, 50*50 
(Silver picture frame not included in order)

Image 3 : Jonathan in splits
Here shown in 35*50, Sepia, No border 
(White wooden frame not included in order)

Image 4: Mithila in Crow
Shown in 50*50, Rough border , Sepia tone
(Silver frame not included in order)

When ordering images please select the image number/ image colour/ border preference/ print size.
Please complete a seperate form for every print you would like to order.