Back Story to my Channeling
I am a yoga teacher and regular practitioner of spirituality since many many years. See full CV here.
I started entering the Trance Medium states in end of March 2020. In this Psychic Expansion and Awakening I was drawn into this and could only surrender to the beauty of the process. I was not in charge of entering the Trance states. I am now able to call on the Guides and Channel at will but so far those experiences are less intense an experience than the actual Trance Mission that spontaneously happened.
I continued to have regular Downloads and Healing on a personal level, information for my personal path and purpose during April 2020. I am not sharing the communication of that time as it is not relevant to public.
Soon thereafter from May 2020 to August 2021, I underwent a very intensive Ancestral and Family Karmic Healing Process, a continuation of a re-birthing process that started in my daily practice in 2019. This is also part of my personal sadhana and spiritual evolution and I will not mix that story with the Channeled Messages I receive to share with all of you. If you are interested in the Ancestral Work you can contact me separately on that. It is not my focus for today.
After the Lions Gate portal of August 2021, my Ancestral Healing Work faded out and I started to re-enter the Trance Medium states of communication. Here is what I have received so far dating backwards.
Now in 2022 February I am less ''affected'' by the Trance States descending on me although that still happens - it is a lot less like that now. I also have less Upgrade Symptoms now. Now I call on the Trance Mission and Channeling when I want to but I also receive some downloads that I am more sense able to tune into without the intense Trance Mission that I experienced at first. I also have been activated in Light Language in sound, mudra and energy trance mission. This is a real delight and an awesome method of healing and meditation. I also do a lot of energy work on different dimensions at times and during those phases I cannot work and function as a yoga teacher in ordinary life. This is my experience so far.
I am not always given full messages, sometimes its just words or feelings that channel through me. Most of the experience is in the moment of the Trance Mission. I will be as thorough as I can in the written record of the experience and I have a knowing that even if you were not there at the time, you can tap into the energy of the Trance Mission through the reading.
For details on the 5D Earth Upgrade.
For Channeled Messages written and on video.
During these past 2 years I also received a lot of poetry and recently lots of art.
I will gather that into a separate publication as soon as I can. You can follow the process partially (as much as I am able to administrate updating social media/websites etc…) on instagram. @movingspirit @yogamonks @karatantra and on and
Personally I am in total awe of the experience and unutterably grateful to receive.
With love, Mithila.