Thank You for being here! 


I welcome your contribution towards my business with gratitude!

If you prefer to offer your time and service instead of a financial donation, please e-mail


Payments & Donations can be made via: 

Swedish residents 

SWISH: 1234078648 

BANK TRANSFER: BankGiro: 5475-6689 



Are you paying with PayPal ?

We kindly ask you to add on 3% of the given price on an event to cover our paypal transaction fees, thank you.





A single session is usually 1 hour but might be longer.

If we need longer we simply carry on, limited to 30 minutes and depending on if there are clients after your session. 

1100 SEK / € 110 per session 


6% VAT for physical training/Yoga Classes and 25% VAT for Healing/meditation/channeled events/treatments.

No cancellation fees for sessions booked at my home studio or online at the moment. You can cancel right up to the last minute if need be. 


LIVE SESSIONS in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Sessions are always 1100 SEK per hour (even if you have a discount card for multiple sessions as those discounts apply for online live sessions and in person sessions in my home studio only)

Cancellation fee less than 48 hours before your scheduled time: 400 SEK


Package prices for live online classes or live sessions at my home studio:

5 or 10 sessions pre-paid card 950 SEK per session  

For Hatha Yoga only students it is also possible to get a 5 or 10 session card at VAT 6% for 880 SEK per session. 

To be used within 12 months of purchase. Unused sessions are not refundable unless Mithila has not been available for your sessions. Unused sessions can be traded in for Online Training Subscriptions and Programs.


Are you attending a mix of online events, private sessions, live and online live sessions? You can be invoiced a pre-paid total of example minium 3300 SEK and this will be used to pay for anything you attend during 6-12 months upon purchase. The pricing will then be depending on event prices and if you are having sessions in person in Gothenburg or via online zoom. You will also then receive all discounts related to Lunar Events Packages etc...


Concessions available for low-income self-employed small business owners, low-income students, low-income pensioners or low-income unemployed. Concession prices are stated on every event and course. Please read the energy exchange details on each event/course. E-mail to request to pay the concession rates. 


Donate: If you wish to offer more than our suggested exchange, we welcome your donation.

