February 23rd The Magdalene Rose Temple of Love
Meditation Event with Channelled Transmission of the Magdalene Rose Temple of the Heart Energy and Guided Practice.
February 23rd Sunday, Live Online on Zoom, 1630-1745.
Posted: 13 October, 2022 By News
What do visionaries do? They envision what is not yet there and draw it into being. Into manifestation.
In a dictionary you will find a definition similar to this : a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
In Spiritual Practice we find that envisioning is a primary tool of consciousness expansion.
Combining Imagination with Spiritual Heart-Mind Intelligence to energetically re-wire ourselves and the Quantum Energy Field.
It can sound fantastical but it is actually feasible by every one of us and we are in fact engaged in it all the time, simply because we are alive. We are passive or active in this every day as we go about our daily business of living.
We know when we are in the Flow. We know when we are not. We feel it.
To imagine, to envision and to draw in to your own vibration, or emanate from your own being, an energy you consider good or beneficial, a higher vibration, a positive current, will not only change your now moment but will also create a sparkling future experience. If each of us continue to see and hold the Light, the whole world changes.
This is tough work especially for those who daily are in the darkness and fighting to both hold their own Light and to transform situations that are abominable. It requires a courageous spirit indeed. If we are outside of that ourselves we can assist by prayers, meditations, energy work towards those people and places whose work and struggle captures our heart strings. We can actively assist with energy. YES. Everything is Energy and we can move energy easily when we align with it. We are masterful.
On that note it is important also, if you have the possibility and ability, to ENJOY life then as much as possible right now - more than ever - find ways to ENJOY all that you have, all that you are.
If you are capable of easy joy and easy living, keep aligning with that as it does help so much. Do not compare. Stay aligned with all the good in your life. If that is all that we can do, then it is not only enough it is plenty to assist in the change that is happening right now. Suffering yourself to heal suffering does not heal. Joy heals.
That is why I have always believed in spiritual practice, meditation, awareness and consciousness expansion.
This helps us read ourselves, recognise where we are living in positive loops and spirals and learn to enhance those energies, expand those energies. This helps us read ourselves, recognise where we are stuck or looping in destructive patterns and then to shift ourselves to higher ground. There is so much help to be had in these processes by our generous and glorious spiritual families both on Earth and in the Other Realms.
I am one of those who are working with this subject daily now, connecting with the Guides, working on my own skills to hold more Light, working with anchoring higher Light vibrations into our Field, assisting others to expand their multi-dimensional awareness and to expand where you stand. Envisioning Gaia, Planet Earth, as a part of the larger Galactic Family, an expanded consciousness of being with all Beings, for the greater good of life on Earth. A Golden Age.
With a seemingly small personal change, a whole world is transformed.
If you are curious to work with me and my team on the Earth Upgrade Project, need assistance or input in your own endeavours on this subject right now or just for your personal well-being and spiritual sustenance to support your life and your life-work, check out the upcoming Retreat Week from hOMe during the 1111 Portal Days, the regular monthly Lunar Portals and Healing Circles, as well as a special event for the New Year - A Galactic Party on January 1st in Gothenburg, Sweden.
With Love and Light,
Meditation Event with Channelled Transmission of the Magdalene Rose Temple of the Heart Energy and Guided Practice.
February 23rd Sunday, Live Online on Zoom, 1630-1745.
What do visionaries do? They envision what is not yet there and draw it into being. Into manifestation.
We know when we are in the Flow. We know when we are not. We feel it.
With a seemingly small personal change, a whole world is transformed.
Are you a yoga teacher, experienced yoga practitioner or energy worker who is looking to take your teaching and practice to the next level?
Mithila is opening up her experience to you in the form of a series of Master Class Workshops Live in a Classroom on the Swedish West Coast. Read more and let Mithila know if you want to be kept in the loop of the dates and registrations for the MASTER CLASS on Mudra, Mantra, Asana and Pranayama.