Transcription of delicious definitions we received and empowering messages. If you were not part of this Live Channel kindly consider sending a donation as an energy exchange for this transcript, towards the time and energy it takes to channel, record, type, edit, post and share this information, thank you.



1.1 New Year Day Gateway Transcript 

Mithila in the form of her Higher Self and Kara - Golden Ray Priestess speaks interwoven wiht Light Language Song as always: 

“I will call you by name and welcome you into the gathering and into the New Year Energy Timeline. With the calling of our names we step together into the New Timeline of 2023 with all the New Energy that comes with the start of the year. 


The 1.1 date. All the Light Codes, potential Timelines and Abundance that walks in through this Gateway to support the manifestation of Life on Planet Earth during 2023. And as we step into that Timeline we are also stepping away from the older Timeline, of the energies that has already been spent, transformed, transmuted in 2022. There are some projects,  some activities, some energy that needs to transition into the New Year that is coming from what we have lived and experienced in 2022 and needs to journey with us into 2023. And we now take those energies, those lines, those threads and raise them into the vibration of the New Year, to journey along with us to continue to their completion. But we also have an opportunity here to choose to drop certain things, even if they are unfiniShed, if they no longer serve us we can choose in this stepping of Timeline to simply let it go. And so we say “As I step into this new Timeline, of the New Year through the Gateway of the first of the first, I bring with me only that which is full my Highest Good in this new Timeline of the now moment.”

“Let’s take a moment with this intentionality of stepping into this new Timeline of the New Year, with stepping into the Timeline that takes us into the Golden Age Timeline, that belongs to the Golden Age, and as we do so let us sit with the intention that we are walking into our Highest Good and all that is not for the Highest Good is now falling away and closing with the old year. A moment of silence to meditate on this intention.

Very good we now going to leave the 2022 Timeline, are we ready to let it go?.”

"I have given thanks to the old year and all that it provided, we close the door.

For every one of us here there are many pathways now open into 2023 and depending on the Guidance of your Soul, the Guidance of your Heart, there are multiple Timelines, multiple opportunities presenting themselves to you. And as you have called in your Highest Good, and we have called in your Highest Good together, for this New Year you can rest assured that any one of these joyous pathways will lead to your fulfilment of the Soul and the Heart.

Let us take a moment to bring in the intentionality that we have the choice of many Abundant Timelines ahead of us in 2023 that are all fulfilling for the Heart, for the Soul, for the Spirit, fulfilling, nourishing and abundant."


GFL speaks the Pleaidian persective: 

“And it is like holding the whole world in your hand, it is like holding the whole world in your hand Dear Ones, imagine it now, right there in your hands is the whole world, a whole world of opportunity, a whole world of Abundance, a whole world of Love, a whole world of Goodness, a whole world of Light, a whole world of Perspectives, a whole world of Creativity, a whole world of Family, a whole world of Connection, a whole world of Unity, a whole World.

Get into the spirit of it, Dear Ones place your hands out in front of you as if you are holding the whole world in your hands, get into the spirit of it, visualize, their it is, the whole world, the whole world and we say to you, you are the world and the whole world is you.

There can be no separation between you and the world and the world and you.  

Say it with us Dear Ones, “I have the whole world in my hands” 

“I have the whole world in my hands” - and is it not better Dear Ones to have the whole world in your hands than on top of your shoulders? Is it not better Dear Ones that you have the whole world in your hands rather than on top of your shoulders? So take it off of your shoulders and place it in your hands Dear Ones, and see the beautiful globe that is  Mother Earth in your hands Dear Ones, there She is, She is you and you are She. 

Does it not feel wonderful to have the world in your hands, Dear Ones, does it not feel wonderful to hold her perfect, spherical, beautiful shape, in your hands, there She is Dear Ones, there She is and there you are. Where She is you also are, there you are, there you are. And in the whole wide world there is so much that the world has to offer you, and there is so much that you have to offer the world, there is so much that the world has to offer you and there is so much you have to offer the world. 

Yes Dear Ones you are the world and the world is in you.

Let's get into the spirit of this Dear Ones, lets get into the spirit of it. How does She feel? What does the world feel like to you in your hands? Does the world feel light to you in your hands or does the world feel heavy to you in your hands - and remember that you hold the power to transform the world, if the world feels heavy to you, take it to you in your hands transmute, transmute, transmute and bring Her into the Light, bring her into the Light, enable Her to feel Light in your hands, enable Her to feel Lightness in your hands, a whole world of Light in your hands. 


When you feel that lightness in your hands, the Lightness of the whole world in your hands, allow it to spread, let it spread around you and everywhere in the world, let that Lightness spread, from the world you hold in your hands to the world that you live in. 

This is your Sovereign Power Dear Ones, this is your Sovereign Power. 

Very Good Dear Ones, now that you feel that She is Light, a Being of Light in your hands, this world of yours a Being of Light in your hands, draw Her into your Heart, bring Her whole spherical shape of Light into your HeartCentre, draw Her in so that She is now within you, a world of Light within your Heart Center, and when you see Her there a world of Light within your HeartCentre the Vast Cosmic Heart Space, you can relax your hands at any time and continue to enjoy the vision of the Lightness of this world within your Heart.

 You are the world in the world and the world is in you.

 A world of Light, a world of Light, a Light world. 

There you are Dear Ones with the whole Light world in your Heart, with the world in your Heart, what a great place to store the world Dear Ones, in your Heart, in your HeartCentre, what a great place to store the world. And we say to you Dear Ones, use your hands and your Heart when you connect to the world rather than your shoulders Dear Ones, use your hands and your Heart when you connect to the world rather than your shoulders. It is a wonderful place to store the world Dear Ones, your HeartCentre, isn't it? A wonderful place to store the world. We thank you for indulging us Dear Ones in our whimsical meditations, we thank you for indulging us Dear Ones, in our whimsical meditation, we hope that you enjoyed it very much.”


06.01.2023 Full Moon Portal Transcript

“So these beautiful Christed Unicorns are bringing us a message, they are bringing us a message of remembrance of our ability to dance between realms, our ability to move between realms, our ability to sense Divinity, Divine Energy through the natural world, through the world that we can see in our physical reality. and how with the awakening of our Third Eye we begin to move in Technicolor, how we begin to see in Technicolor, how the natural world that we perceive of Planet Earth, becomes heightened as we start to go into the multidimensional reality of the natural world, and we start to experience and see the multidimensional aspects of nature, that which lies beyond the third dimension, and that will become more and more visible to those who have awakened their Third Eye, Unified Eye, Single Eye, Technicolor Vision.

 And these beautiful beings are a reminder of those magical realms that exist just beyond the third dimensional reality, that can be pierced, that can be penetrated, through the sharpness and focus of the Third Eye, and these Divine Creatures come with the message that we are fully capable and fully able to dance easily between dimensions. That the so-called magicality of unicorns is also available to the multidimensional human experience. And they invited us to sense their presence, and to see through the Third Eye."



22.01.2023 New Moon Transcript


“What we are seeing here is a cycle of Energy that began in November during the 1111 passage that culminates now in this New Moon and signifies a new beginning in energetic cycle that will carry at least as far as 222, that’s 22nd of February. 

That which was known becomes less and less known, that which was known becomes less and less known. The new Timelines that Earth is activating hold ways of existence that are to the great majority unknown. That which is now possible Timelines for Planet Earth, hold so much unknown to most of Mankind, Humankind of recent existences. That you cannot hardly imagine what the future will be like. 

So we say to you Dear Ones, relax into the unknown, relax deeply into the unknown, you cannot know it until you know it. Even what you imagine, what is of the imagination, is also limited to the vibrational Consciousness available to you individually, but also to the Collective. It is limited by the vibration. For the Ascended Soul that moves beyond the current vibratory field, the imagination can soar so high and so wide, and that is the reality for the Ascended Souls, and as more and more of the Collective Consciousness of which you are such an important part, and as all Souls Ascend in their Consciousness with the Greater Consciousness of Mother Earth, the ability to imagine what is not yet known or knowable will be open to you. 

Do you see what we mean Dear Ones? Right now it looks like a mess and that causes challenges to broaden the imagination, the vision towards a better world. We ask of you Dear Ones, we ask of you, hold the vision, hold the vision of the Golden Age, relax into the unknown, relax into the unknown and you will be carried forwards and sooner rather than later what we are speaking of will become visible, will become known. You will sense it in your imagination, you will sense it in your vision, you will see it in the imagination and vision of others and you will know what we are speaking on in this moment. There, already you are leaping in Timelines as we speak, you are leaping in Timelines, you are already soaring into a different vibration, into a different Timeline, that opens these Portals, that hold the Codes, to the new world, that holds the Codes to the better world that you've always held in your heart, the world you came here

the world you came here to create. 

So let us speak of all of the chaotic, corrupt, whatever you wish to call it, that you see disturbing and distressing the peoples, animals, minerals and plants of your world. What is that? Is that known or unknown? We know that this is known to you already, it does not come as a surprise that there is all of this happening and has been happening now is coming to a time of great reckoning, this is not the unknown that we speak of Dear Ones the unknown that we speak of is truly unknown to you, is truly unknown at this moment. What you are seeing is the known. From the perspective of the human lifetime, this is a long process, from the perspective of a human lifetime, this is a long process, you may only witness the beginning decades of this glorious transformation of Gaia and all of her populations, for a brief moment in your current form, it will be a brief moment in the Era that is unfolding, but you Dear Soul will enjoy this beautiful transformation that you are here to witness and that you are here to create just as we do in another form, in a future Timeline, do you see Dear Ones, do you see what we mean? 

Just as we are looking over this beautiful transformation from our perspective in nonphysical form, you your self will enjoy what you have witnessed, what you have created, what you have birthed, what you have helped form, what you have helped draw what you have helped hold true, long after your human current form.


Hold your course, hold your vision for the Planet, for your self, for your children, for the future generations, hold your course, hold your vision for this planet, it already exists.

And now we open your Third Eye Vision so you can see Mother Gaia in this finest of forms.


She already exists, She is complete 

Hold your course, hold your vision, that is all, everything is unfolding according to Divine Plan, hold your course, hold your vision and co-create with the Divine Plan. You can choose to live on this Golden Age Gaia Planet right now, you do not need to wait Dear Ones, you can choose to live on that Planet, that Golden Age Gaia, right now. It is a matter of choosing to hold your course, your vision for that world and that Planet, that you have always held in your heart, whose existence you have known is possible, by choosing to live in Her magnificent vibration, where the Planets vibration sings of Love Unity Harmony and Peace. 

The Golden Age Timeline progresses rapidly in 2023, yes there is still great clearing, great purging, great healing needed for the unknown to become visible, possible, available but 2023 will accelerate all of Planet Earth towards that Timeline.

Hold your course, hold true your vision of the Gaia you have always known in your heart, the Planet you came to live in in this lifetime, the Planet you came to experience in this lifetime, the Planet you wish your children to inherit and your children's children.

Hold your course, Dear Ones, hold your vision, it is not too late, in fact it is very far gone towards the Golden Age. We bring to you this most pleasing and most hopeful message in the new moon in Aquarius, as it heralds the so-called Aquarian Age Timeline, a new Golden Age on Planet Earth, and a New Galactic Age where the Planets, the Stars, the Sun's and Moons return to harmony with Planet Earth Consciousness, with Human Consciousness. 

We have spoken a lot Dear Ones, you must be tired of hearing us, we so wanted to give you this most pleasing, most hopeful message in what may appear to you as the darkest of times.

Please receive our appreciation for your hearing our message, we love you, we love you, we love you.”