Teacher Trainings

YM is a fabulously fun method to teach, an enriching vocation with a well tested method with experienced teachers continiously evolving the work.  The depth of the practice requires of a teacher of YM lots of self practice as well as regular study with a senior teacher. This to ensure the quality of our teachers to be on the level we wish to offer the potential students to the method.

All YM Professionals are required to be on a minimum of 1 hour per day self practice, self sustained.

All YM Professionals are required to be in regular Sadhana study with a senior teacher in the method.

Teaching Sadhana Courses also requires that the teacher has completed the 5 years of Starting Sadhana Course and the 3 years of Teacher Training.

The YM Teacher Training program is in total 5 years long

(basic level 370 hour program)

2 years of the Starting Sadhana Course (96 hours) gives you the prerequisite

to start the Teacher Training during your Year 3 of Sadhana. 

Parallel to your year 3-5 ( 144 hours) of Sadhana you will be attending the year 1- 3 of the Teacher Training.  

 Number of modules and program in the Teacher Training:

Year 1= 21 modules 57 hours
Year 2= 15 modules 39 hours
Year 3= 13 modules 33 hours 

For detailed info of the TT course content read here.