The Light Guides Foundation Module

Level 1 the Foundation Course Module (pre-requisite)

Align, Ground and Surround 

Apr-Jun 2023

LGF:  April 2nd, Sunday, 4-6 pm

LGF:  April 17th, Monday, 4-6 pm

LGF:  May 7th, Sunday, 4-6 pm

LGF:  May 15th, Monday, 6-8 pm

LGF:  June 5th, Monday, 6-8 pm

LGF:  June 18th, Sunday, 4-6 pm


Overview of topics:

  • Learn to activate energetic Alignment, Grounding and Energy Boundaries/Spiritual Shields for your personal practice, daily life and for advanced energy work / spiritual work and multi-dimensional journeys
  • Energy Management tips for home, spiritual hygiene and when out and about in the world
  • Transmuting Energy into the Violet Flame and other energy clearing techniques will also be covered.


Further descriptions and details of topics:

What are the Bodies and how do I sense my Energy Field?

How do I create energy boundaries and why are they needed?

  • Learn to activate energetic Alignment, Grounding and Energy Boundaries/Spiritual Shields for your personal practice, daily life and for advanced energy work / spiritual work
    • Exploring your own Bodies and their Boundaries
    • Techniques such as: 
      • Sound as Energy Medicines (briefly mentioned to be explored further in Level 2 Modules)
      • Colour as Energy Medicines (briefly mentioned to be explored further in Level 2 Modules)
      • Closing and opening the Chakra energy centres to receive less or more information (will be explored more on the Chakra Module)
      • Sirius Pyramid Shield, Merkabah and other Energy Body boundaries
      • Anchoring into the Grid (Midline, Tree meditations etc…)
      • Pranic Tube
      • Bubble of Light, 
      • Pillar of Light


  • Other Spiritual Protections and Power Tools 
    • Here I will discuss what I recommend further. These tools will only be mentioned and not covered in this module of the course as they are a subject unto themselves - like building a daily practice, prayer practices and so on that play an integral part in most Energy Body Management, Boundaries and Personal Power Practices.

Physical Alignment is part of the YM Method of Sadhana and many Hatha Yoga techniques, where we work with the physical body to align the energy bodies. 

On this Course the difference is that we will be working directly with Energy and allow that to create physical alignment. The results are tangibly visible in the physical body when Aligning, Grounding and Surrounding yourself with various types of Energy Activations. 

We will be exploring several different techniques that I have used over many years as well as new techniques that have been given me recently by my Guides. We will test several so you can find what suits you individually and works best for you.

You will also provide a demonstration/test at the end of the course in which I will examine how it is working for you so that you leave this part of the course with tangible practical tools. 

This foundation is necessary for the proceeding course material and is obligatory for anyone wishing to study Energy Work / Light Work with me moving onwards.

I also recommend it for every spiritual practitioner to have these type of tools as a daily practice in your energy rituals. All Energy Workers have these kind of tools in their work, so if you already have practices you do that is absolutely perfect. The examples given above are the techniques we are most likely to explore in depth on this course. You are welcome to continue to use other techniques you are already familiar with.

Course Prep: Briefly describe what techniques you are already familiar with and are using.

  • Energy Management tips for home, spiritual hygiene and when out in the world
    • Discerning when energy is yours and not yours
    • How to keep an easily maintainable energy clearing routine


Here I share with you all of my practical and daily energy management tips that I have used for many years in regards to handling energy to be better be able to discern what is mine, what is not mine and to keep a healthy energy environment in my home and work spaces. These tips save you time and energy in terms of clearing and cleaning energy and also in figuring out what is what. I have noticed that the more sense able we become to Energy the more we need ways to handle energy in an efficient and easy way. Sense-ability is great, but with it comes more 'work' in that you sense more of what is around you and in yourself and handling that can be extremely tiring unless you have good systems in place to help you navigate what energy needs attention and what does not. I find this saves me so much time for more fun energy work, and also helps me read energy better as I eliminate what is not important from what is actually needing my attention.  

Course Prep: Briefly describe what you already do on this subject.


  • Transmuting Energy into the Violet Flame and other energy clearing techniques will be covered.

The Sacred Violet Flame is my go-to Energy transmutation technique. It is superb and we will be working here with the Energy Guidance of Archangel Zadkiel. We will experiment with and learn to invoke this energy and to sense the results of it. 

I will primarily focus on this technique but there are many more and time permitting we will cover a few more clearing and cleaning techniques.

Course Prep: Briefly describe what you already know and do on this subject.

Pre-requisite: no pre-requisites except the general information under “Is this Course for me?”



Read All ABOUT the Light Guides Course here.


15 May 2023, at 18:00–20:00


Live Online on Zoom



