Breathe Better and Simply Sitting
daily practice guide to better breathing and meditation
On this page you can find information about two seperate short courses I will be running during 2019
- you will need to pre-register for each course separately, though they complement one another beautifully.
These courses are open to all who wish to start a daily practice in breath techniques for better breathing, and those who wish to start a daily practice of meditation technique. They are a pre-requisite for anyone wishing to further their education as Yoga Teachers and to certify as teachers in these courses. The teacher training will begin after the course is completed and only to those who already have a yoga teacher training certified prior with a school of yoga of your choice.
Course 1: Breathe Better
We all breathe, yet many of us do not use our breath consciously to improve our well being, our state of mind, our digestion, our mood etc...we can all learn to breathe better than we already do, but this takes practice.
The yogis knew and shared the wisdom of the breath as a path to the enlightenment of the human body and psyche. The first step on this journey, I find, is to start having a loving relationship with our breath bodies.
On this course I share with you:
- tools to create a relationship with your breath and to get to know your breathing better
- the technique of the full yogic breath for daily self practice
- movement meditations to help you breathe better
- personal guidance to your breath practice
- a simple practice with life changing results when done daily, to be taken with you after the course to continue on your own ( or with a teacher) with daily devotion
- inspiration to breathe better
Course 2: Simply Sitting
Many of us want to learn how to practice meditation but the real results of a meditation practice of any technique is in the daily devotion to it. Even 15 minutes of sitting still in meditation posture daily brings far reaching health and well being benefits to the practitioner.
On this course you receive:
- guidance on starting a daily practice of sitting still
- simple movements for sitting still
- personal guidance on how to sit and practice at home by yourself
- Mithi's simply sitting technique
- a simple practice with life changing results when done daily, to be taken with you after the course to continue on your own ( or with a teacher) with daily devotion to this technique or any other meditation technique that you choose once you have established the good habit of simply sitting daily.
General for both courses
Though I highly recommend movement/excercises/hatha yoga as a complement and pre-cursor to both Breath and Sitting practices these two courses will only cover the specific techniques for these practices and very little movement meditations. For further study in movement meditations as well as Breath and Sitting practices, we refer to our YogaMonks Starting Sadhana Courses and classes and events.
Courses are taught in English, though you can communicate with me in Swedish if you prefer.
Dates in Älvsered, Falkenberg, my home studio:
March 3rd, Sunday
April 7th Sunday
May 5th Sunday
June 2nd Sunday
Course times:
Breathe Better: 11:00-12:30
Simply Sitting: 13:30-15:00
To bring :
* Your positive decision to commit to daily practice during the course weeks to establish yourself in a long-lasting experience
* A woolen blanket to sit on/lie on. Or yoga mat.
* A Journal and pen.
*your lunch/snacks
We provide beverages hot and cold.
720 SEK per course ( 4 sessions)
1080 SEK total when taking both courses (8 sessions)
Max class number: